
Risk Assessment Forms for download.

Original Ramblers MS-Word and PDF Risk assessment forms.

Cestrian localised MS-Word and PDF Risk assessment forms.

Completed Cestrian PDF Risk assessment forms.

Please email completed forms to riskassessment<@> These may be MSWord, OpenDoc, PDF or jpeg/ jpg (- a photograph of the form). Paper forms should be given to any member of the committee. You might also wish to keep your own copies.

Code of Conduct

This is the Cestrian Ramblers Code of Conduct

Background Information

We recently learned from the RA that for leaders and walkers to benefit from third party and personal insurance (leader only) on our group walks it would be necessary for the leader to do a risk assessment. This insurance would apply only to walks advertised on the group’s official programme. The risk assessment would be required to be submitted should an insurable or potentially insurable event occur, and the assessment would be submitted with an incident report immediately (within days) after the occurrence. The ramblers have a standard 3 page assessment form on their website.

We recently obtained what amounts to a ‘letter of no objection’ to the use of a condensed form of the RA risk assessment form which we have created. It is basically reduced to single sheet format although there is a second optional sheet for those that have additional or complex issues to assess and document. The group committee see the use of a single sheet format as being more practical for use, storage, record keeping and more environmentally friendly. You are encouraged to keep your own copy of the assessment of any walk you lead, as the RA insurance is protection really for the leader’s benefit, walkers in the group are essentially covered for any damage they might do to property or people.